New Craft – Technology meets craft at Fabbrica Del Vapore

Place: Milano, Italy
XXI Triennale International Exhibition
Temporary exhibition curated by Stefano Micelli
Coordinator: Sara Salmaso
Exhibition design: Studio Geza
Graphic design: Sebastiano Girardi, Matteo Rosso
Photos by Riccardo Bianchini, Inexhibit


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New Craft – central hall exhibition at Fabbrica del Vapore, photo © Inexhibit

New Craft – Technology meets craft at Fabbrica Del Vapore in Milan

Taking place at the Fabbrica del Vapore in the framework of the XXI Triennale of Milan, the exhibition New Craft depicts the encounter of advanced technology and traditional manufacturing.

In the words of the curator Stefano Micelli “Today’s technological revolution is transforming how objects are produced and consumed, inevitably changing the way they are designed as well. Digital manufacturing provides the chance to outstrip traditional limitations in the production process prefiguring a world free from mass production…”

Along with projects by designers “under 35”, selected by the Triennale after an open call, New Craft showcases a selection of objects produced by manufacturing companies and focuses on how the digital revolution has changed the way objects are conceived and produced today.

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Exterior view of the Fabbrica del Vapore building which accommodates the exhibition

The exhibition occupies three interconnected halls of the former tram and rail manufacturing plant Carminati & Rossi, which was converted into the Fabbrica del Vapore cultural hub five years ago.
The great central hall accommodates a series of 9 tall installations, which summarize the main themes of the exhibition, the exhibition of works selected after the “under 35” open call, and a large x-shaped concrete table, where experimental works produced during the event, and video-projections are on show; furthermore, the table is used as a place for meetings, discussions, and workshops.

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Great hall, installation view

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The large x-shaped concrete table located in the middle of the great hall

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Artifacts made during the exhibition are showcased on the central table


Lamps “Big Louie” and “Plüne” by Exnovo – 3D-printed nylon

Under 35 exhibition Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale Inexhibit

Central hall, on the right, the exhibition of project of young designers


The aisles which border the great hall on both sides accommodate a series of micro exhibitions which – through an impressive set of objects, videos, and interactive installations – illustrate the relationship between advanced technology and traditional craft skills in various fields of design and industrial production, with a special focus on digital manufacturing technologies and 3D printing.

Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale dresses Inexhibit

Aisles: a section dedicated to dress and fashion accessories

Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale wood Inexhibit

Aisles: foreground: the section dedicated to wood carving

The list of subjects featured is certainly comprehensive and includes, among others, manufacturing processes related to the production of bicycles, wooden and metal furniture, stone-carved objects, dresses and fashion accessories, jewelry, type casting machines, dried pasta, textiles, and clay pottery.

New Craft
April 2 – September 12, 2016
Fabbrica del Vapore – Milan

Bicycle Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale Inexhibit

Aisles: foreground: the section dedicated to bicycle manufacturing

Stone carving Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale Inexhibit

Aisles: foreground: the section dedicated to stone carving with an interactive exhibit

Digital tailoring Fabbrica Vapore Milano New Craft XXI Triennale Inexhibit

Aisles: foreground: the section dedicated to the digital tailoring of Peter Stampfli

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Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan
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Fabbrica del Vapore is an exhibition center and creative hub in Milan which includes workshops for artists, cafes, a theater and a popular exhibition space

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