[róng]: from traditional Chinese craft to contemporary design

Place: Milan, Italy
[róng] Chinese Traditional Crafts and Material Exhibition
Officine della Torneria, via Novi, 5 (Tortona district) - Milano
Images: see captions

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Milan Design Week 2017 | [róng]: from traditional Chinese Craft to contemporary design

[róng], a word which means “fusion” in Chinese, is a project aimed to investigate materials and manufacturing techniques traditionally adopted in Chinese traditional craft.
This beautiful exhibition, on view in the Officine della Torneria in the Tortona district, features about 70 objects – dresses, containers, light fixtures, chairs, mirrors, jewels – primarily made of 5 materials common in the material culture of China: bamboo, silk, clay, copper, and paper.

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[róng] Installation views. Photos (c) Inexhibit, 2017.

Pieces on view were created by 50 designers, who have been commissioned to explore and re-interpret materials and techniques and to emphasize, through their designs, their physical and expressive characteristics.
Meanwhile, a five-year-long research on matters and craft skills, started in 2013, allowed [ róng ] to create an archive of materials (about 500) and manufacturing techniques, also part of the exhibition. The exhibition has been curated by Zhang Lei (PINWU).

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[róng] – the Chinese Traditional Craft and Materials Library. Installation views.
Photos (c) Inexhibit, 2017

Designers: Cai Hongshun, Chen Wei, Virgil Kong, Chen Min, Chen Shangyi, Chen Wei, Cheng Tsung Feng, Huang Haiwen, Sun Xin, Sai Tuoge, Jiang Xinhe, Sun Jinjin, Wang Zhuo, Ke Xiaolin, Zhang Fan, Li Gongbiao, Li Jianye, Lin Li, Liang Chen, Ma Qianli, Mei Shuzhi, Hsiao-Ying Lin, Carl Liu, Liu Weixue, Tang Wei, Luo Daishi, Tan Zhipeng, Yu Fen Lo, Shen Wenjiao, Zhang Wei, SuSu, Yang Songyao, Kwan Tam, Tang Yumei, Wan Ling, Yuan Jinhua, Wang Shan, Jia Jianghong, Yuan Yuan, Zhang Xiaochuan, Zhang Yiyang, Zhang Junjie, Chen Ruhan, Wang Shenghai, Zhang Lei, Christoph Jo.

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[róng] – Circle, bamboo mirrors, designer: Cheng Tsung Feng. Photo (c) Inexhibit, 2017

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Piao-chair-róng Chinese contemporary craft design Milan 2017

[róng] – PIAO 2 chair, paper, and a grid of bamboo strips. Designers: Zhang Lei, Christoph John, Jovana Zhang. Photos: above (c) Inexhibit, 2017; below, courtesy of [róng]

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[róng] –  Hangzhou Stool, Designer: Chen Min. Photo, courtesy of [róng]

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[róng] – Paper Verse. Xuan paper, Korean paper, wool, silk, polyester. Designer: Lin Li Photo, courtesy of [róng]

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[róng] – Air chair, bamboo, stainless steel. Designers: Zhang Lei, Christoph John, Jovana Zhang. Photo (c) Inexhibit, 2017

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[róng] – Turtle. Trays made out of three kinds of local Taiwanese bamboo. Designers: Cheng Tsung Feng. Photo (c) Inexhibit, 2017

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[róng] – Yin Lamp, mulberry silk, and beech wood. Designer: Wang Shenghai. Photo, courtesy of [róng]. 

[róng] Chinese Traditional Crafts and Material Exhibition 
Officine della Torneria, via Novi, 5 (Tortona district) – Milano
4/9 April, 2017

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photo © Inexhibit 2017

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