“Too good to waste” installation by Benedetta Tagliabue | Milan Design Week 2017
“Too good to waste” installation by Benedetta Tagliabue | Milan Design Week 2017
Too Good to Waste is the installation designed by Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT for the event Material Immaterial, taking place at the Università degli Studi in Milan until April 17, 2017.
Too Good to Waste investigates the relationships between the use of wood and current design trends. Indeed, furniture manufacturers often focus on a limited number of wood types, while other species, such as the American hardwood harvested in constantly expanding forests, are lesser known and used.
cover image: “Too good to waste”, photo © Inexhibit, 2017
The installation is promoted by the American Hardwood Export Council and manufactured by Benchmark Furniture in American oak, maple, cherry, and tulipwood.
The design reimagines the historic architecture of the Cortile d’Onore – the courtyard dating to the Renaissance period designed by famous architect Filarete where the piece is located – which features many decorative elements and human figures coming out of the walls.
Too Good to Waste, elevation drawing, courtesy of Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT
Too Good to Waste, installation views; courtesy of Benedetta Tagliabue – EMBT, photos © Inexhibit, 2017.
Too Good to Waste
EMBT: Architect Benedetta Tagliabue.
Design team – Nazaret Busto, Ling Yang, Andrea Martìnez and Enrico Pinto
AHEC: David Venables, Rocío Pérez-Íñigo, Lucy Peacock, Brogan Cox e Lauren Smith.
Benchmark: Sean Sutcliffe, Oliver Tillbury, Martin O’Hara, Ben Morgan, Rob Honeyman, Mark Paradise, Mark Kendell, Josh Hale e Sam Brown
Video-maker: Migongo films
copyright Inexhibit 2025 - ISSN: 2283-5474